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Types of Membership 

Regular Membership

Regular Membership

Any employee or retiree of the Federal, state or a local government who is in accord with the principles, policies and objectives of the organization and who agrees to adhere to the same, may become a Regular Member of this organization with the consent of the Board of Directors. Regular Membership fee is $75.00 ($45 nationally annual plus local chapter dues of $10.00 per year and the Regional assessment of $20.00 per year).

Regular members shall be accorded all privileges of membership, except being National delegates unless they are also Chapter members.

Any person who at the time of being separate --without prejudice -- from employment by the Federal or a state or local government, was a Regular member in good standing is eligible for Regular membership in this organization.

Any person who, at the time of being separated --with prejudice -- from employment by the Federal, state, or local government and such separate is grieved, and that person is a member in good standing, is eligible for continued regular membership in this organization until such grievance is resolved.

Associate Membership

Any person who is in accord with the principles, policies, and objectives of this organization and who agrees to adhere to same, may become an Associate Member of this organization with the consent of the Board of Directors.  Associate Membership: $55.00 annual($25 national plus local chapter dues of $10.00 per year and the Regional assessment of $20.00 per year).

Such members shall be accord all rights and privileges of membership except those of voting and holding elective offices.

Life Membership

Any person who is in accord with the principles, policies, and objectives of this organization and who agrees to adhere to same, may become a Life Member of this organization with the consent of the Board of Directors. Life Membership is $405.00 ($375 National (one time payment) $20 Annually to Region and $10 Local chapter). 

Such members shall be accord all rights and privileges of membership except that only those who are qualified as Regular member shall be eligible to vote or hold elective office.

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